Release Hotel Transylvania 2 in Best Video Format
Now you can download full Hotel Transylvania 2 in HD quality with duration 89 Min and was released on 2015-09-25 and MPAA rating is 158.- Original Title : Hotel Transylvania 2
- Movie title in your country : Hotel Transylvania 2
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Animation,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-09-25
- Companies of movie : Columbia Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 89 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.1
- Youtube ID of movie : OIx8OGeEh9c
- Translation of movie : EN,SK,ES,ZH,BG,FR,SV,CS,HU,PT,RU,HE,PL,NO,TR,DE,RO,ID,DA,EL,IT,KO,
- Cast of movie :Adam Sandler (Dracula), Kevin James (Frank / Frankenstein), Steve Buscemi (Wayne), Selena Gomez (Mavis), Keegan-Michael Key (Murray), Andy Samberg (Jonathan), Mel Brooks (Vlad), Fran Drescher (Eunice), David Spade (Griffin), Sadie Sandler (Winnie (voice))
Movie synopsis of Hotel Transylvania 2 :
Free Hotel Transylvania 2 in High Quality Video with movie synopsis "When the old-old-old-fashioned vampire Vlad arrives at the hotel for an impromptu family get-together, Hotel Transylvania is in for a collision of supernatural old-school and modern day cool." in high quality. Watch full Hotel Transylvania 2 in Best Quality by clicking the button above.
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Director : Genndy Tartakovsky, Characters : Genndy Tartakovsky, Writer : Dan Hageman, Writer : Kevin Hageman, Producer : Robert Smigel, Animation : Avner Engel, Animation : Tony Mecca, Animation : Eddie Prickett, Art Department Manager : Andre Medina
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Tags: magic, mummy, dracula, skeleton, backpacker, frankenstein, wolfman, zombies, invisible man, witches,
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